You may not want to rush head first into university right after you graduate high school. Traveling or taking a break before enrolling into your dream university may have its pros and cons. So how are you to decide whether or not you need a mini vacation before you join university? You need to look through the pros and cons and make a rational decision based on the advices you receive. Below are a few pros and cons to guide you in your decision.
Pro: gaining work experience.
Increasing important work encounter is thought to be worthwhile for most by far of scholarly subjects, and there are various branches of knowledge where applicable work experience will be a necessity to join a particular course. Taking a break is a phenomenal chance to pick up this sort of experience. Some internship programs are paid and the cash earned could help your kid to help him/herself monetarily through at least first year of university or maybe they could pay for their accommodation.
Con: expensive.
If you decide to travel during the gap year, it could be expensive. Even if you decide to take the Great Ocean road tours from Melbourne you would still have to spend money on either hiring a vehicle, or to pump gas or maybe even for accommodation and food. The money spent on these might as well be saved up for use when you join university. You could you it to support yourself there without relying on your parents for everything.
Pro: developing skills.
Taking a break could likewise furnish you with the chance to improve or supplement your current abilities. You get the chance to brush up on your skills and improve yourself so you could have an outstanding application. Maybe a day tours helped you understand something new which you know could possibly help you with your college application. Maybe you can volunteer for projects which will enhance your abilities and skills. When you take a break you are open to a variety of ways and methods to improve your skill.
Con: wrong reasons.
If you are taking a break before joining university because you want to party then you have the wrong reasons to take a break. While partying isn’t the right reason nor is taking a break before you weren’t accepted into an Ivy League college the right reason. It’s best to investigate the universities you were accepted into. You never know; you may wind up cherishing your new university better than the Ivy League one. On the off chance that you don’t, you can simply put in exchange applications.